Mastering Hierarchy in Mockup Design

In the realm of visual design, understanding and applying essential principles is the key to creating engaging and intuitive mockups. One such vital principle is hierarchy. Hierarchy empowers designers to organize elements on a page, accentuating their importance to guide users efficiently. In this guide, we will explore hierarchy as a foundational visual design principle, its distinction from emphasis, and how it significantly influences user experience and accessibility.

  1. Hierarchy Defined:
    • Organizing Importance: Hierarchy is a principle that orders elements on a page based on their significance, making it easier for users to identify and engage with key content.
    • Distinguishing Elements: Common techniques for establishing hierarchy include adjusting the size and color of elements to emphasize their importance.
  2. Hierarchy vs. Emphasis:
    • Hierarchy: Refers to the arrangement of elements in order of importance, enabling users to grasp the relative significance of different elements within a group.
    • Emphasis: Focuses on making a single element stand out from the surrounding elements, drawing the user’s attention to a specific point.
  3. The Role of Hierarchy:
    • User Guidance: Hierarchy is the designer’s tool for directing users’ attention, helping them navigate the user journey seamlessly.
    • Priority Display: Important information and primary action buttons are visually emphasized through hierarchy, ensuring users instantly recognize the most crucial elements.
  4. Practical Application:
    • Media Homepage Example: Consider the layout of a news outlet’s homepage. Headlines, presented in a larger, bolder font, stand out as the most critical elements, capturing the user’s attention and providing a quick overview of the stories. This use of typography creates hierarchy.
    • E-commerce Website Illustration: Analyzing a product page on an e-commerce website, we observe how hierarchy is applied. The product title and price are given more significant visual weight, being larger and more prominent than other details. The “Add to Cart” button is also emphasized through size and color, guiding users toward the primary action.
  5. Accessibility and Hierarchy:
    • Enhancing User Experience: Hierarchy in mockups benefits users with disabilities. By incorporating accessibility annotations into wireframes and mockups, designers create a visual hierarchy that screen readers and assistive technologies can follow. Users can perceive and interact with elements in the intended order, making the design more accessible.

Hierarchy is a fundamental visual design principle that designers leverage to create clear, user-centric designs. It empowers users to navigate content effortlessly by ensuring that the most critical information and actions receive the attention they deserve. Understanding hierarchy and its distinction from emphasis is crucial for crafting designs that offer both visual appeal and accessibility.

As you continue your journey in mastering visual design principles, keep in mind the valuable role of hierarchy and its impact on user experience. By effectively implementing hierarchy in your mockups, you can guide users seamlessly through your design, ensuring they engage with key elements effortlessly.



